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Excavations Continue at the Alamo

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS—San Antonio Express-News reports that several types of ceramics and earthenware, an intact glass bottle, gunflints, two musket balls, and a section of stone perimeter wall were unearthed in the Long Barracks area of the Alamo during recent excavations. The ceramics included imported Spanish colonial pieces and Goliad …

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Possible Ancient Public Building Found Off the Coast of Greece

ATHENS, GREECE—Traces of a stoa, or covered walkway, have been found off the coast of the Greek island of Salamis, according to a Live Science report. Researchers from Greece’s Ministry of Culture and Sports said that the identification of the stoa will help them to study the topography and organization …

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Roman Forts Spotted in Spy Photographs of the Fertile Crescent

HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE—CNN reports that a team of researchers led by Jesse Casana of Dartmouth College has spotted hundreds of Roman-era structures in declassified photographs of Iraq and Syria taken by spy satellites during the Cold War. “Agriculture and urbanization have destroyed a lot of archaeological sites and features to …

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Shark-Tooth Knives Studied in Indonesia

JAKARTA, INDONESIA—Newsweek reports that two 7,000-year-old knives made with shark teeth have been discovered on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi by an international team of researchers led by Michelle C. Langley of Griffith University and Akin Duli of the University of Hasanuddin. The tools have been associated with the hunter-gatherer Toalean …

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2nd-Century A.D. Building Uncovered in Athens

ATHENS, GREECE—eKathimerini reports that a building complex with a courtyard was discovered in central Athens during a construction project on Vasilissis Olgas Avenue. The structure has been dated to the second century A.D., likely during a city-wide expansion project undertaken by the Roman emperor Hadrian (reigned A.D. 117–138). The building …

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11,000-Year-Old Sculpture Uncovered in Turkey

ŞANLIURFA PROVINCE, TURKEY—Live Science reports that a sculpture standing more than seven feet tall has been uncovered in southeastern Anatolia at the 11,000-year-old site of Karahan Tepe by researchers from the German Archaeological Institute. The statue depicts a man with pronounced ribs, spine, and shoulders clutching his penis. Some scholars …

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Political Campaign Message Found in Pompeii

NAPLES, ITALY—ArtNet News reports that a first-century A.D. political inscription has been uncovered in the Regio IX area of Pompeii. The Latin text, written on an inside wall of a shrine dedicated to the guardian spirits of the household, urges voters to elect Aulus Rustius Verus to office. “I beseech …

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Ancient Carvings Exposed in Brazil

MANAUS, BRAZIL—According to an AFP report, extreme drought in parts of Brazil has once again exposed carvings of human forms on rock formations usually submerged by the Negro River. Discovered in 2012 during another drought, the site is known as Praia das Lajes. Archaeologist Jaime Oliveira of Brazil’s National Institute …

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Per leggere questo articolo occorrono 3 minuti Nuove indagini scientifiche e di imaging sono state realizzate sulle sculture del Partenone da parte di un team coadiuvato dal King’s College di Londra e hanno identificato tracce delle policromie  originali utilizzata per decorare i pregiati marmi esposti al British Museum, rivelando che …

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