CARDIFF, WALES—BBC News reports that a well-preserved 3,000-year-old pot has been found in an enclosure ditch at the site of a roundhouse in Cardiff’s Trelai Park. The dwelling, thought to date to between 1500 and 1100 B.C., is located about one-half mile from Caerau Hillfort, a triangular structure built in the Iron Age. “The enclosure definitely predates the hillfort, people were living here before the hillfort was built,” said archaeologist David Wyatt of the Caerau and Ely Rediscovering Heritage Project. Further study could reveal where the pot was made and how it was used. Researcher Oliver Davis added that there are only one or two other sites in Wales dated to the Bronze Age. For more on hillforts in Wales, go to “Letter from Wales: Hillforts of the Iron Age.”