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Laser-Mapping Unveils 500 Previously Unknown Ancient Monuments

An international team of researchers using surface laser scanning technology have discovered 478 Mesoamerican monuments in southern Mexico, including the mysterious Mayan complex called Aguada Fenix. Almost all of the discovered sites were previously unknown to researchers. Archaeologists using LIDAR might have made the largest discovery in years How did …

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“Grave Robber” Found in Cemetery Declared Victim of Murder

While his killer(s) will never be brought to justice, a new study published in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences has cleared the memory a young man who died 1,300 years ago in the northwest autonomous region of Ningxia in China.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source: …

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2,000-Year-Old Amethyst Seal Found in Israel

An amethyst gemstone seal from the Second Temple period has a unique engraving: a bird and a branch with five fruits, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The 2,000-year-old amethyst seal found in Jerusalem, Israel. Image credit: Israel Antiquities Authority. The 2,000-year-old seal was discovered in the bedrock foundations …

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Maya Carving Repatriated to Guatemala

PARIS, FRANCE—BBC News reports that a French collector handed over a fragment of an eighth-century A.D. Maya stela to Guatemala during a ceremony in Paris. The stone sculpture, which depicts a ruler wearing a bird of prey mask, disappeared from the site of Piedras Negras in the 1960s and reappeared …

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Scientists Decipher Alien Signal From Proxima Centauri

Astronomers from the Breakthrough Listen project have determined that the BLC1 artificial radio candidate discovered two years ago, which was believed to have come from an area near Proxima Centauri, is in fact anthropogenic. This conclusion was made after careful analysis of the signal’s characteristics.  The mysterious signal from Proxima …

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Per leggere questo articolo occorrono 3 minuti Per le società antiche, che non sempre hanno costruito le tracce della propria presenza sulla base del paesaggio circostante, è sempre stato difficile adattarsi all’ambiente vissuto e identificarlo alla propria società. I ricercatori della Penn State hanno utilizzato i dati satellitari per identificare …

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The Republic of Venice, The Greatest Jewel of the Mediterranean?

To visit Venice is a dream of every passionate traveler. The city, crisscrossed with channels and marvelous relics of art and culture, is one of Italy’s most sought-after tourist destinations. But how much does the average visitor know of the thousand-year history behind this jewel of the Mediterranean? The modern-day …

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Per leggere questo articolo occorrono 3 minuti Un’enorme area “industriale” adibita alla produzione del vino, ascrivibile a circa 1.500 anni fa, è stata scoperta negli scavi archeologici condotti dall’Israel Antiquities Authority come parte dello sviluppo della città di Yavne, su iniziativa dell’Israel Land Authority. Yavne era una potenza vinicola di …

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Marble Source for Greek Archaic Sculpture Identified

PORTLAND, OREGON—According to a statement released by the Geological Society of America, a 33-foot-tall statue of Apollo found on the Greek island of Delos was carved from marble quarried on the nearby island of Naxos sometime between 800 and 480 B.C. Scott Pike of Willamette University said that an inscription …

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