Charcoal Rock Art Dated in the Philippines

Philippines Rock ArtQUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA—According to a statement released by Griffith University, rock art in the Philippines has been directly dated to 3,500 years ago. Team leader Andrea Jalandoni said the date for the black-pigment drawing in the Peñablanca Caves corresponds with nearby archaeological sites where pottery and evidence of foraging activities have been unearthed. Dating other charcoal drawings in the region could reveal if they are of the same age, or if such drawings were produced over a long period of time, added team member Paul Taçon. The rock art is disappearing, however. The researchers were able to find only 94 of the 250 figures recorded between 1976 and 1977. For more on archaeology in the Philippines, go to “Letter from the Philippines: One Grain at a Time.”


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